Lux Life Glacial Ice Cocktail Recipe

Prepare to shake up your cocktail experience with this surprisingly vibrant libation! Despite its icy appearance, this cocktail is anything but cold—it's bursting with the dynamic duo of gin and Disaronno, dancing together in perfect harmony. Lux Life's Teal cocktail glitter and American sugar rimmer add a touch of whimsy and flair, turning your drink into a dazzling work of art.


- 2.0oz Gin
- 1.0oz Disaronno
- 0.5oz Lemon Juice
- 0.5oz Lime Juice
- 0.25oz Grapefruit Juice
- 0.25oz Gomme Syrup
- Lux Life American Cocktail Sugar Rimmer
- Lux Life Teal Cocktail Glitter

Cocktail Recipe:

1. Start by rimming your glass with Lux Life's American cocktail sugar rimmer—use simple syrup for a thicker, more indulgent rim.
2. Grab your shaker and fill it with ice to get things nice and chilly.
3. Add all the ingredients to the shaker, give it a good stir, then strain it into a snazzy snifter glass filled with ice.
4. Sprinkle in Lux Life's teal cocktail glitter and stir gently to achieve that magical cocktail effect.
5. Top it all off with a generous lemon swath for an extra burst of citrusy goodness.

Now, kick back, sip, and savor the moment responsibly. Let Lux Life bring the party to your palate with its irresistible Cocktail Decorating Products! And hey, if you're dreaming of your own bar, why not chat with us about setting up your very own Lux Life location? Cheers to crafting cocktails that are as fun as they are fabulous! 🍹✨

Edible Glitter 










Cocktail Sugar 




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